Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo Baby Bouncer £74.99 @ Argos

Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo Baby Bouncer £74.99 @ Argos

Argos are selling this Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo Baby Bouncer for £74.99, rather than its usual full price of £94.99.

Babies love lots of things - cuddles, sleeping (if you're currently sleep deprived thanks to your little one, I promise that sleeping will be something you'll do again) eating and BOUNCING!

Have you seen those huge wired bouncers at fairgrounds or similar outdoor events?  Well the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo Baby Bouncer is like a little indoor version of those and they look FUN!

Your baby sits safe and secure in the deep seat and as they jump all sorts of lights and sounds are activated.  There are hanging toys for your baby to reach for and grab and the seat has three different heights so it will grow with them until they're just too big for their Jumperoo any more.

It's suitable from when your child can hold their head up on their own until they're around 11kgs.

You can arrange to collect your Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo Baby Bouncer for free, in-store if your nearest few Argos stores have stock, otherwise you'll need to pay an additional £5.95 for home delivery.

Thanks to leons at HUKD

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