The Baby Einstein Seek and Discover ActivityGym is £24.99 at Mothercare, half price from the usual £49.99.
This multicoloured Baby Einstein Seek and Discover Play Gym is a hub of activity and stimulation for little ones, perfect for a newborn's tummy time. I wonder if it's not too much for newborns, and possible overstimulating, but Mothercare say that it's suitable from birth.
Baby Einstein characters are featured on the large soft mat – good for massaging all the winds out of your baby's tummy and encouraging holding their own head up - and the Lights and Melodies star plays nine classical melodies – which is certainly better than the 10 minute long single tune my daughter's activity gym offered!
There are a few sensory toy attachments, although they don't list what they are. A reviewer mentions the duck and dog pictures you can see above, and there's a child-safe mirror and a few other toys.
These are available for in-store collection, or home delivery, and can also be gift wrapped.
Thanks to sohailraaj786 at HUKD