In The Night Garden: Hello Everyone £12.93 @ HMV

In The Night Garden: Hello Everyone £12.93 @ HMV

itngEverybody's favourite loony blue man/thing/creature and his rather insane friends are now available for hours of watching fun on this DVD box set. Down from £29.99 to only £12.93, you save £17.06 and you'll make Iggle Piggle fans hugely happy.

The disc includes the following titles: Hello Igglepiggle, Hello Upsy Daisy, Hello Makka Pakka, and Hello Tombliboos. If you're a parent who's sat in front of the TV early in the morning or late at night, desperately trying to keep your eyes open after a long day (or night) you'll probably recognise most of the episodes.

Although, I have to add that this is a pretty surreal thing to watch when you're exhausted. Suddenly you start to wonder where these little blue people have come from and why the short fat people seem to keep losing their pants.


I find it amazing how this programme manages to tap straight into a child's mind, they absolutely love it. I am constantly wondering what the creators did to come up with the idea. Incidentally, it's the same people who designed the Tellytubbies. Nuff said, I guess...

Thanks to nikkit72 at HUKD!

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