We had heard that Morrison's were going to be having a Baby & Toddler Event, but didn't know when, well it is NOW ON, both online and instore.
Some of the offers that we can see online seem to be matching those being offered by the other Baby Events on at the moment, but if Morrisons is your usual supermarket that's good news. Some things are cheaper in the Morrisons Baby Event than the other supermarkets, for example the Hipp Organic Toddler Meals are £1 each, which is cheaper than anywhere else by about 50p!
There are deals on baby essentials like wipes, nappies and all types of baby food and toddler snacks that can all be ordered online with your grocery shop, as well as more things that can be picked up in stores.
With 3 of the big 4 supermarkets all having Baby Events on at the same time it really does pay to check them all before you buy anything pricey for baby. The competition between them all is bringing some prices way down, and that's great news for shoppers. Just the Sainsbury's and Aldi Baby Events to go!