Free Photography Sitting & Picture With £30 Spend @ Mothercare

Free Photography Sitting & Picture With £30 Spend @ Mothercare

Mothercare photosSpend £30 in Mothercare stores, and you can have a free photography sitting in store. You will also receive a 12"x 10" free gift print worth £50 and you'll be entered into a competition to win your entire shoot, worth up to £405.

There is absolutely no other information available for this offer, except for the picture above, so if you're heading into Mothercare to buy something, make sure to ask about it - especially if it's the reason you choose Mothercare!

You can check to see which stores are participating though.

Reviews on these are very mixed, with some people loving them, and some not so impressed. My advice is decide how much you're willing to spend before you go in for your photos, and stick to it!

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  • CBM1979
    Hi there, my experience with pixi fotos is really bad, heavy heavy sales pitch that you are really unable to say no, I had 6 members of staff round me persuading and heavily putting pressur to buy their pictures......I spent over £200 on 6 x a4 prints (with no frames) and some smaller ones......nothing is for free, even the free 1 print has to be one at the start, you cannot choose from all the pictures they take so you don't get a good one, would recommend steer clear (once you say yes and pay you cannot cancel at all)
    • Gilmoregirl
      I got this offer, the photographer spent over an hour taking pics of my lo, my free photo was awful, ended up spending over £200 buying the rest of the photos that were taken as they were so good. So it's not such a great deal when you could get photograph sessions for much cheaper using a local photographer