Do you claim Working Tax Credit? If so you can apply for the Help to Save Government Account. If you do qualify for an account, you can earn up to 50% of what you have paid in, as a bonus.
Here's an example: If you pay in £2400 over four years and leave the money untouched (no withdrawals), then you'll earn the highest bonus possible, of £1200!
All bonuses are TAX FREE, as it is a bonus and not Interest like you would get in a Bank Account.
You can pay in up to £50 a month, but you aren't held to this, you can skip months which s great for when money is tight.
To apply for an account, you must be a UK resident. If you're living overseas, you can apply for an account if you're a Crown Servant (or their spouse or civil partner) or Member of the British Armed Forces (or their spouse or civil partner).
How do you pay into the account? Money is taken by Standing Order or Debit Card.
Accounts may be held for up to 4 years. After this it will mature and close.
Can you open this account if you are on child tax credits, or is it just working tax credits? Thanks.