ALDI is selling these truly cute cushion and doorstop dudes for only £4.99 each. Perfect for keeping out the cold and keeping in the pretty, these doorstops are a bargain for the price.
The ALDI doorstop dudes can be used at the base of the doors to keep out the cold, hold tricky doors shut and add a little homey goodness to the room. There are few things as frustrating as having popped the heating on, got yourself all snuggled up under a toasty blanket and then the door swings open, bringing with it an Arctic blast of air.
The cushion variations can be sat on or cuddled and will complement the doorstops you buy to go with them. You can't buy them online, you will need to beetle instore, but hey, anything to get out of the house and into the world! Especially at this low price. You can have one in every room and you can choose from kittens or embroidery designs.
Thanks to taurus08 at HUKD!