Roo Medium Soft Toy £6.99 @ The Disney Store

Roo Medium Soft Toy £6.99 @ The Disney Store

Roo Medium Soft ToyThis is a scented Roo Medium Soft Toy, or alternatively a young version of the Roo character from Winnie The Poo. The Disney Store has reduced it to £6.99 from £18. On Amazon it is selling for £24.99.

I know that Disney takes liberties with the Winnie The Pooh stories, but it is hard to resist a baby Roo. Especially one that is designed to be soft, cuddly and fragranced. Roo has a fleecy fur, and a bean bag body.

I wish though that Disney called it something other than "Disney's Wonder Fragrance" as that actually puts me off a bit.I have smelt these toys before, although not the Roo one, and they are lovely. How sweet is he though, sat there like that with his thumbs up and his little floppy ears! Although Roo was never my favourite character in the books, he is like Winnie the Pooh, very cuddly.

The offer is available in store as well. The Roo medium soft toy measures 32cm high by 21cm high, approximately.

According to the Disney website, 25% of the retail selling price of this medium soft toy will be donated to Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity.

Thanks to yummymummy84 at HUKD!

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  • Vicky
    I have one of these. My little one had it and a few others for easter. Even though his favourite is Tigger he loves giving Roo cuddles and the smell is absolutely gorgeous and its not a perfume its a fabric spray so that it shouldnt affect the little ones. I got mine for this price its definitely worth it.
    • Lynley O.
      oh lovely! how old is your little one? My niece loved all her soft toys to pieces as a baby, but I found my son didn't actually start to enjoy cuddling them until he was about 18 months old. Good to know that about the perfume or rather the fabric spray. How long have you had it, and is the scent just as good now as when you got it?
      • rhinash
        [were can i get another one of these from my son has one it was bought for him off one of our close family friends and i CAN NOT FIND IT ANYWERE and we would like another one its his favroet carries it every were he wont put it down please HELP
        • LynleyOram
          sorry no idea rhinash. Perhaps keep an eye on the site and see when it comes back into stock. Or contact the Disney Store and see if they can help.