Let's Rock Elmo £39.99 @ Play

Let's Rock Elmo £39.99 @ Play

Ohhhh, I love Elmo! He's just too cute and I've got a great deal on this Let's Rock Elmo for you: his usual retail price is a rather staggering £69.99 but Play are currently letting him go for just £39.99.

Just in case you were wondering how the other usual suspects compare, I can tell you that Amazon are selling him for £44.99, Toys R Us - £49.99, and Debenhams and Argos coming in as the most expensive at £56 (add 99 pence on for Argos).

Let's Rock Elmo comes with his very own microphone and two instruments for him to play - a tambourine and a drum set.  Your young Elmo fan can choose which instrument Elmo plays, and he recognizes which one you give him; they can even play along Let's Rock Elmo's instruments too, as they're small enough for little hands.

Let's Rock Elmo isn't a two-instrument trick pony though, ohhhh no - he can play and interact with other Let's Rock instruments too (these are sold separately); he knows when you're playing the Let's Rock Guitar, Keyboard or Microphone and will play along with you.

Let's Rock Elmo can sing too - seriously, is there no end to his talents?! - he sings six 'rockin' songs' (I have no idea what they are - but can't imagine there's any thrash metal in there somehow) for your young rock chick or dude to groove along to.

Let's Rock Elmo comes with the six AA batteries he needs and is suitable for little rockers aged between 18 months and about four years.

Thanks to ednamay78 at HUKD 

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  • emmajk42
    I heard he was going to be a popular toy for Christmas but when I saw the £70 price tag, I thought... no way. This is much more reasonable.