Milkshake Treats DVD £2.97 @ Amazon

Milkshake Treats DVD £2.97 @ Amazon

milkshake"Ma-ma-ma-ma-me-me-me-me MORE MILKSHAKE!"

Milkshake on Channel 5 has saved the sanity of many a parent first thing in the mornings; this Milkshake Treats DVD is currently on offer for a great price at Amazon, so it will save the 'sanity' of your bank balance too.

I've spent many an early morning in front of Milkshake, with my youngest, when I'd had far too little sleep and wasn't in any fit state to function like a normal human being.

The presenters are lovely, the programmes are great - I fell in love with the dry humour subtly hidden within Pocoyo - and my youngest fell in love with Fifi and the Flowertots.  For a while we were singing the Fifi theme tune to get him to sleep.

HA! those were the days, now it's Star Wars Clone Wars all the way, it's not quite the same humming the Empire March to a sleepy toddler who's fighting sleep. 

There are 16 of your child's favourite Milkshake programmes on this Milkshake Treats DVD and, at the time of writing, it's in stock and Amazon have it priced at £2.97 instead of £12.99 - which is an absolute bargain (fingers crossed they don't whack the price back up before you get a chance to grab a copy!).

Choose the SuperSaver delivery deal and you won't pay anything for delivery either.

Thanks to lucerysmum over at HUKD!

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