3 For 2 Offer on Toys @ 4LittleTots.co.uk

3 For 2 Offer on Toys @ 4LittleTots.co.uk

4LittleTots.co.uk have a special offer on toys, where they’re selling their WOW Toys at 3 for 2.  They are normally priced at £8.95 each, so in this offer they’re selling at £5.97 each, or three toys for £17.90.

I’m not entirely sure what these are, but they’re called Wow Toys on the website, and comprise 10 different toy sets:

1. Clippety Clop Farmer

2. Fireboat Felix

3. Dynamite Daisy

4. George's Dragon Tale

5. Misty 'n' Molly

6. Police Patrol Riders

7. Fire Buggy Bertie

8. Lunar Lenny

9. Arctic Archie

10. Fireball Frankie

To order these, you add it to  your basket, pay for it, then send an email to orders@4littletots.co.uk to let them know which three toys you’d like.

It does seem a bit of a clunky way around it all, but still, it’s a cute little collectors set, cheaper than many others, and limited, which is great – you won’t be forking out for it forever!

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  • winklegirl
    We have loads of WOW toys (though don't think we have any of those listed in this offer). They are brilliant toys, really robust, don't need batteries, and all the ones we have have got some lovely little features - e.g. you can either open doors with your finger or you can use the character's hand to do the same a bit like a key. My son's favourite is a bus which can be pushed around and is also a shape sorter. The only thing is that some have a rather noisy motor mechanism which allows them to be pushed along and then they carry on moving (sorry probably a technical term for that!)